Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Iron and Candy - Save the Date!

April 30, 2010, 7pm

Online gallery and page will be continually updated with artwork, raffle prizes, and event info!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ae Demographics Survey

Help us serve you better by answering 9 quick questions!

Ae has created a demographics survey for funding and development purposes, to better serve our artists and audience.

Participation is entirely voluntary, but is open to everyone: our artists as well as those in our audience. If you could take a moment to fill out the brief, anonymous 9 question survey we would greatly appreciate it. This will help us as we approach government and granting organizations, as many of them require that this data is collected.

Follow the link to an anonymous survey:



Friday, March 19, 2010

Last Week to see Gender at Ae!

This is the last week to see the Gender show at Altered Esthetics!

Swing by anytime during gallery hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1pm-7pm - or come before 3pm on Saturday when the show comes down.

City Pages A-List:

Altering the sexes
MN Daily Article:


Monday, March 1, 2010

2010 Board Openings @ Ae

Board Positions

Do you have a passion for the arts and experience in nonprofit management, fundraising, grantwriting, or finance? Are you interested in serving on the board of an active community based arts organization? Altered Esthetics is actively seeking and accepting applications for new board members with experience in arts, fundraising, nonprofit governance and finance.

Ae is currently accepting applications for the following board positions:

Board Chair
The function of the Board Chair is to direct the organization's board as it develops and fulfills the organization's mission.
A complete description can be found by clicking here (pdf)

Development Director
The function of the Development Director is to maintain, develop and implement the fundraising strategy of the organization, including all fundraisers, appeals, and grant proposals.
A complete description can be found by clicking here (pdf)

Board Secretary
The function of the Board Secretary is to organize and compile critical organizational documents, including minutes and paperwork of the board.
A complete description can be found by clicking here (pdf)

Solo Exhibitions Director
The function of the Solo Exhibitions Director will be to develop and maintain a schedule of solo-artist exhibitions for the organization, partnering with other organizations and artists in the community.
A complete description can be found by clicking here (pdf)
